At Joy and Vitality Centre, we’re family owned and operated. We’re extremely lucky to have numerous facilities and shops available for your benefit and we promise you’ll have a great experience and receive full value for every minute you spend with us! We’ll take you through the Joyful Vitality process step by step so you’ll never feel alone on the path to a healthier you. Rest assured that if you backslide, we’ll be there to catch you! Our personal commitment is for you to be completely happy and fulfilled. Let us show you how joyful and fun this journey can be!

♥  Our goal is for Joy and Vitality Centre to meet or exceed your expectations, instill well-being, and fulfill the desires and needs of your body and soul. We pledge to provide the finest personal services and facilities so you can enjoy a joyful, warm, easy and relaxed experience.

♥  We guarantee you will be treated as part of our big family at Joy and VitalityCentre. We will provide you with joyful, distinct experiences in a one-stop destination. We have a wide selection of supplements, beauty and home care products, books, crystals and essential oils to fulfill your needs. We are also an organic Juice Cleanse Location and an oasis for wellness programs, Tibetan Bowl therapy,  meditation, yoga and salt cave therapy for people of all ages, genders, races, abilities, belief systems and income levels seeking health fulfillment.

  We will work together with youstep by step on a journey of self- discovery and self- improvement through our unique Joyful Vitality programs and workshops. We promise you’ll be happier, healthier and stronger as soon as you step into our space. Get healthy, stay robust, and live life to its fullest!!

 We understand the overwhelming product options available to you – organic, natural, non GMO, gluten free and dairy free and more. So, let us be your solution as we curate the best products for your health and wellness. You’ll always get personal attention! We want to help you bloom in who you’re meant to be.


Our vision is to be a leader and multi-faceted oasis cultivating health, wellness, sustainability, community and family in Canada. We want to help focus our society on well-being and education, while acknowledging true happiness stems from a deep sense of integrity with our bodies, with each other and with the earth.


Our mission is to create joyful, easy to follow workshops, group sessions and programs for individuals that serve as a roadmap for powerful self-discovery and self-improvement. We desire to show you how living a wholesome lifestyle is a joyful experience! We are committed to building a sustainable community that meets the needs of the present generation and doesn’t compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs. We do all of this while facilitating opportunities for each individual to develop in themselves freedom and health within a well-balanced society that maintains harmony with their surroundings.


We want to build a sustainable community that has an amazing positive influence on our planet, society and family. The world is filled with many harmful foods and products that are destructive to us and our planet, and whose production is purely for profit. We believe it doesn’t have to be this way and will continue to work for change.

Wellness Center Alberta

Our Core Values

Joy and Vitality Centre has established the following core values as our principles and standards of behaviour.

  • Humility and Respect – being humble and courteously respectful of others with deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities and achievements.
  • Community of Trust – confidence, faith and hope in someone or something.
  • Commitment to Excellence – expecting more of ourselves than others do.
  • Unconditional Service and Genuine Care – serving and treating everyone in the best way possible.
  • Integrity –  always being honest and fair.
  • Unconditional Gratitude – always being thankful, always ready to show appreciation and kindness.